Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hay Time

What a busy time of year, culminating in the hay harvest. Unfortunately, my hay harvest was considerably less than the above picture (which is of my neighbor's field). I made the mistake of listening to the Soil & Conservation Dept. advice last year & fertilized with turkey litter. It was considerably more expensive than chemical fertilizer, but I was told that because it was organic, it broke down more slowly, & I wouldn't have to fertilize this year. Obviously, that advice was WRONG as my share of the hay this year was a whopping 10 bales. I'm now praying for rain & sunshine so I can have at least one more cutting!


Claudia said...

Hmm. I was there for the conversation about the fertilizer. I still think your hay will be more nutritious than the neighbor's!

Dianne said...

Perhaps mine IS more nutritious, but right now I'm more concerned with quantity rather than quality.