Saturday, February 18, 2012

Last week's snow storm made all the animals look like they had dandruff, including this 3 yr. old Spotted Saddle Horse filly.  The horses seemed to enjoy playing in the snow (especially the youngsters: weanling Caspian & newborn ASB), but the cows just sort of 'hunkered down' & endured it.  I kept big bales of hay rolled out on the ground to give the livestock something dry to bed down on - as well as eat,  & they all seemed appreciative.


Claudia said...

How great! Love to see them having fun with the snow. Makes me wonder how much we damage our young by keeping them wrapped up and indoors. . .

Catherine said...

I love these pictures so much!!

Thank you!!!

I linked our blogs just now, with Claudia's help.

But you have to scroll all the way down on mine to the oldest post to see it. I will work on re-arranging it.

Love to both of you.