Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hi-Ho, Silver!

April plays Parelli's Friendly Game with Silver, registered TWH, SSHBEA, NSHA, & Racking horse stallion.  Originally Silver was afraid of the whip (actually a stick with a string attached). But by flipping the string over his back, April has taught Silver to trust her and that even though the string is in motion and touching him all over his body, it is not going to hurt him. The fact that Silver is walking on a slack or lose lead rope shows that he is not trying to get away from April.  April praises Silver to let him know that he is doing the right thing.  Even though Silver is a stallion, he has a wonderful, gentle disposition.  His easy-going temperament and his trust in April allow him to actually enjoy being with her and participating in the 'games'.


Claudia said...

Yay! You do'd it!

IceRyder said...

Love the video... and he is gorgeous!