Sunday, December 6, 2009

Update today - Booney's FREE!

Kathy just emailed me some new pictures of Boone, who was turned out of the barnlot today & allowed to run free with her coming 3 yr. old TWH filly. He's enjoying having some extra freedom & room to stretch his legs. Boone has not been allowed to run with the fillies for about 6 months on the off chance he could have impregnated one, so he'll have to find his place in Kathy's herd.
Contrary to popular beliefs, in the horse world a stallion does not 'rule' the herd---that position is occupied by an Alpha mare (usually the oldest, definitely the most dominant. In my herd, that position is held by Jamaica Mistake, black reg. TWH).


Kathy M said...

Hi Dianne---Cool website!!
Booney explored his new surroundings today---he was happy to exercise a little but I noticed that he was very careful of the fences. He so wants to be in with the herd but I am afraid my 3 y/o gelding (or anyone of the others) would hurt him---I worry about him, he is just a baby.
Sierra is his pasture mate. Normally she is laid back and sweet and not real pushy but she seems to be enjoying bossing Booney around. He is getting more trusting everyday. Before turning them out today, I tied him beside Sierra in the barn and gave each of them a good brushing. We are just taking things slow and getting aquainted.
The halter is history--he proved to be easy to catch and not at all skittish. Normally my horses are naked:)

Dianne said...

Way to go, & Booney have already bonded! I doubt it will take long for Booney & Sierra to become fast friends. He has never really been alone, so I know he's grateful to have some horse company.

Also, what a great picture of Booney in the pasture...he looks like the MO Fox Trotter Assn. logo picture!